"Click safe, surf smart, be aware of what you share"
Projeto número 2020-1-PL01-KA229-081405
Produtos finais produzidos pela parceria entre os vários países:
Guia de segurança na internet para professores e pais (internet safety guide for teachers and parents):
Consulte aqui
Ou veja aqui
Peça de teatro (school play “We digital native”):
Consulte aqui
Website do projeto (school website):
Consulte aqui
Jogos tradicionais (traditional games):
Consulte aqui
Jogo de tabuleiro (Board game – Trivial pursuit):
Consulte aqui
Banda desenhada (comic book):
Consulte aqui
"Let´s save our environment and our future"
Projeto número 2021-1-DE03-KA220-SCH-00002394801
Produtos finais do projeto:
Visite o site do nosso projeto
em https://www.environment-save.com/
O nosso EBook em português
O nosso Ebook em inglês
Handbook para alunos com idades compreendidas entre 5 e 10 anos, em Português
Handbook for students aged between 5-10, in english
Handbook para alunos com idades compreendidas entre 11 e 17 anos, em português
Handbook for students aged between 11-17, in english
"Do not let water leave us"
Projeto número 2023-I-AT0I'KA220-SCH-000161516
Project Start Date – 01/09/2023
Project total Duration – 24 months
Project End Date – 31/08/2025
-To raise awareness of water literacy of the students, to encourage them to have sustainable and responsible consumption habits, and to learn about being a world citizen.
-To have students obtain STEAM skills in accordance with the needs of the 21st century such as creativity, information literacy problem-solving, critical thinking and resilience.
-To raise an understanding of water pollution, water shortage, water conservation, and sustainability of water resources.
Work Package 1: Project Management
Work Package 2: The Green Platform
Work Package 3: Time To Get Water Literate
Work Package 4: STEAM In Water Save
Work Package 5: Evaluation-Dissemination
R1: The Green Platform
R2: The Water Literacy Rubric
R3: STEAM Techniques Addressing Water Save
R4: Water Save Curriculum
Austria – Wien – GTVS Am Hundsturm
website – http://www.amhundsturm.at/
Website – https://sch-bildung.de/
Website – www.iessantalucia.org
Portugal – Região Autónoma da Madeira – Santa Cruz – EB1/PE das Figueirinhas
Website – https://escolas.madeira-edu.pt/eb1pefigueirinhas/
Türkiye – Adana – Doğu Akdeniz Eğitim Derneği
Website – www.doguakdenizegitim.com
EB1/PE das Figueirinhas school project coordinator
Teacher Vanda Franco
1st Transnational Meeting – Turkey
On the 21st and 22nd of February, the participants of this project met in the city of Adana, Turkey to decide on issues related to the development of this project.
We got to know the key operations of hosting NGO.
To know more about this organization visite:Eastern Mediterranean Education Association (doguakdenizegitim.com).
During the meeting each country presented each school and country.
We also discussed how the education system works in each country.
Other topic we adressed was how municipal and government intervenes with measures to avoid wasting water and what measures are taken to preserv it.
We also mentioned the innovative practices in each home countries regarding water preservation and sow statistics that point out current levels of dams, rainfall rates, etc., and future estimation.
During these meetings we also distributed tasks and responsibilities to be fulfilled until the next meeting (LTTA1) and we determinated the exact dates of the next and following LTTAs.
We also visited a private school, Adana College, to enable a close look to alternative settings of education to public schools.
There we had a chance to explore nature education in Adana College and what methods of teaching nature appreciation are taken.
During this visit to Adana, we had the opportunity to visit the old part of the city. It was a very beautiful walk and we got to know traditions and the town with a close look.
Work package 2- the green platform
RESULT 1: The Green Platform
This is a platform at European level where educators can share good practices, exchange of ideas and exemplary activities, addressing environmental problems (water, climate change, pollution…).
Everyone in the platform will have the right to use the materials and resources for free, thus civic engagement will be aimed to be at high levels.
Result 2 “Water Literacy Rubric”
Result 2 “Water Literacy Rubric”
While water is in the core, other elements of nature and their use by human beings will be scrutinized. In other words, the to-be-designated rubric will shed light on the path to follow in process of natural resource preservation, eventually honouring those successful with a green badge.
Online press about – Work package n°3 – Time To Get Water Literate