“Do not let water leave us”

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Project code:2023-1-AT01-KA220-SCH-000161516

"Do not let water leave us"

Project Start Date – 01/09/2023
Project total Duration – 24 months
Project End Date – 31/08/2025


-To raise awareness of water literacy of the students, to encourage them to have sustainable and responsible consumption habits, and to learn about being a world citizen.

-To have students obtain STEAM skills in accordance with the needs of the 21st century such as creativity, information literacy problem-solving, critical thinking and resilience.

-To raise an understanding of water pollution, water shortage, water conservation, and sustainability of water resources.


Work Package 1: Project Management

Work Package 2: The Green Platform

Work Package 3: Time To Get Water Literate

Work Package 4: STEAM In Water Save

Work Package 5: Evaluation-Dissemination


R1: The Green Platform

R2: The Water Literacy Rubric

R3: STEAM Techniques Addressing Water Save

R4: Water Save Curriculum


Austria – Wien – GTVS Am Hundsturm 

website – http://www.amhundsturm.at/

Germany – Düsseldorf – SCHWERPUNKT ZENTRUM GMBH 

Website – https://sch-bildung.de/


Website – www.iessantalucia.org



Portugal – Região Autónoma da Madeira – Santa Cruz – EB1/PE das Figueirinhas 

Website –https://escoladigital.madeira.gov.pt/eb1pefigueirinhas/ 

Türkiye – Adana – Doğu Akdeniz Eğitim Derneği

Website – www.doguakdenizegitim.com

EB1/PE das Figueirinhas school project coordinator 

Teacher Vanda Franco

1st Transnational Meeting – Turkey

On the 21st and 22nd of February, the participants of this project met in the city of Adana, Turkey to decide on issues related to the development of this project.

We got to know the key operations of hosting NGO. 


To know more about this organization visite:Eastern Mediterranean Education Association (doguakdenizegitim.com).

During the meeting each country presented each school and country.

We also discussed how the education system works in each country.

Other topic we adressed was how municipal and government intervenes with measures to avoid wasting water and what measures are taken to preserv it.

We also mentioned the innovative practices in each home countries regarding water preservation and sow statistics that point out current levels of dams, rainfall rates, etc., and future estimation.

During these meetings we also distributed tasks and responsibilities to be fulfilled until the next meeting (LTTA1) and we determinated the exact dates of the next and following LTTAs.

We also visited a private school, Adana College, to enable a close look to alternative settings of education to public schools.
There we had a chance to explore nature education in Adana College and what methods of teaching nature appreciation are taken.

During this visit to Adana, we had the opportunity to visit the old part of the city. It was a very beautiful walk and we got to know traditions and the town with a close look.










Work package 2- the green platform

RESULT 1: The Green Platform

This is a platform at European level where educators can share good practices, exchange of ideas and exemplary activities, addressing environmental problems (water, climate change, pollution…).

Everyone in the platform has the right to use the materials and resources for free, thus civic engagement will be aimed to be at high levels.

To visite the site clicxk here!

In day 13 we attended the welcome ceremony in wich the school representatives, get to know each other. Also we presented and watched the partner’s presentations (Turkey, Italy, Portugal and Spain, Austria and Germany). The presentations had informations about school and country (Who are we? Where are we from?).

Also we presented about water resourses in each participant country, discussing aspects about water (how is it the case in each country, clean water and sanitation, life below water)

We also watched some videos and work on them in a workshop to develop critical thinking and environmental awareness and creativity.


Students of 1st Baccalaurate IES SANTA LUCÍA prepared some experiments to be done with hosted students.

They had the opportunity to present some scientificexperiments in which water was the main element. All these experiments aimed to explore and demonstrate fundamental scientific principles related to water, including its behavior in different physical and chemical contexts. Through these experiments, students were able to investigate topics such as buoyancy, pressure, conductivity, solubility, and surface tension, enhancing their understanding of the versatile role water plays in scientific phenomena.

1. Floating Drawing
2. Pressure Bomb – Boyle’s Law
3. Chasing Pepper
4. Capillarity
5. Soap Bubbles
6. How to make a pine cone open
7. Study of the internal structure of different substances based on their conductivity
8. Liquid mixtures
9. Liquid (Water) mixtures with solids to determine their solubility 

After lunch we visited the Salinas de Tenefé.

We also had opportunity to visit the salinas.

Why we visited the salt flats?

– The salt flats is one of the flagships in terms of historical heritage of the island.

-They are more than 250 years old and one of the oldest and most traditional trades in the Canary Islands is preserved, such as the Salinero.

-It has great value from an architectural point of view, being the oldest salt mill in Gran Canaria today.

-It is a place rich in hornitology as it is a point of passage for migratory birds, especially waders.

-It also has endemic flora of the place.

-There are also other heritage resources within the protected area of Las Salinas, such as vestiges of the Second World War or pre-Hispanic aboriginal necropolis.

We also learned that they produce some types of salt (fleur de sel, salt flakers, medium frain salt, coarse salt).

In day 14we visited the ethnographic museum of Guayadeque, a part of Canarian history.

In day 15 we visited the HEREDAD DE AGUA OF SARDINA

We listened about water canals and water in Gran Canary. We learned how water is distributed and visited the exterior to see the engeneering behind the distribution.

Since time immemorial there has existed in the Gran Canaria of the thousands of hydraulic works an inheritance whose great history began on August 4, 1617 when the irrigators of Sardina and Aldea Blanca, separated by the bed of the Barranco de Tirajana, constituted a single Estate. They also say that life is the fact, within the world as history, hence the time [400 years] of this old and primitive Heredad overcomes the political spaces of Tirajana and the Cabildo de Gran Canaria.

There are 400 years of hydraulic works that symbolize the duration, the present and the future of the Estate. Hydraulic works that have notorious historical values as a whole: assets of cultural interest in Gran Canaria without a Corporation, without archaeologists, without business.

In day 16 we went to Las Palmas. There we had a guided visit to old town, Vegueta and Triana. After we visit “Poema del Mar” and discovered the enchanted see life of Canary.

In day 17 we visited the Museo de la Zafra- a tomato plantation and water resources.  This Museum is based on the building of the old tomato packing warehouse of Los Betancores. 600 m² were used for the different exhibition rooms, dedicated to the historical crops of the municipality: sugar cane, cotton, tobacco, and especially tomatoes.

Outside it has hydraulic elements such as a well, pond, corner and distribution tower, as well as cultivation areas. It has the reproduction of a small shop.

The La Zafra museum complex has more than 4,000 m² structured in twelve rooms and has two buildings. 




Work package n°3 - Time To Get Water Literate

Result 2 “Water Literacy Rubric”
We arrived to Malpensa airport in the 19 october.

In day 20 er attended the welcome ceremony with the Head teacher and Erasmus staff members.

Each country presented about water in each own country. 

After ew participated in some games, like an orienteering competition about water scarcity scenario.

During the afternoo we attendance some lessons in classes about water and recycling projects.

In day 22 we participated in Art Lab with recycled materials. It was very amusing for students. Also during the art projects we were discussing how to reduce water consume.

In the afternoon Prof. Samuele Venturini (biologist and academic researcher) – directed an environmental education conference and after we went for a guided walking in a field near the school, through irrigation ditches and canals in the countryside to discover the ecosystem in Lombardy.

In day 23 we went for a guided tour to the old docks and through the Milan’s water canal system created by the Romans and re-projected by Leonardo da Vinci and still in use. We lunched delocious street food at Luini’s Panzerotti.  After we took a free walking around the old centre and visited the Duomo Cathedral, the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, the Teatro alla Scala, the Sforzesco Castle and the Basilica of Sant’Ambrogio.

In day 24 we participared in a Dragon Boat Race on Navigli to visit Milan from water aboard long pirogues Dragon Boat. In the afternoon we visited Naviglio Grande. The Naviglio Grande is the oldest canal in Milan, built between 1177 and 1272. It’s 50 kilometres long, running through the Navigli district, in a beutifull  scenario.

In the 25 we went to Museu Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia. The National Museum of Science and Technology (once Technics) “Leonardo da Vinci” was created on 15th February 1953. Today it is a Private law Foundation, whose institutional associates are Ministries, Public Bodies and Milan’s Universities.

It was a fantastic experience for all students and teachers.

In day 26 we returned to Madeira with our hearts and heads full of exciting memories about Milan!

Online press about – Work package n°3 – Time To Get Water Literate

Work package n°4 – STEAM In Water Save – Portugal

During the week of February 3rd and 7th, EB1/PE of Figueirinhas received a group of 45 teachers and students, from Austria, Turkey, Italy and Spain (Gran Canaria and Córdoba, the latter representing Germany that works with students and teachers all over Europe), who were in teaching/training activities within the scope of the Erasmus+ Project “Do not let water leave us”.

The opening ceremony was attended by the director of the host school, Professor Maria da Luz Castro, the President of the Parish Council of Caniço, Mr. Milton Teixeira, the School Delegate of Santa Cruz, Professor Saturnino Sousa, Dr. Marcelo Rodrigues, from the Education and Equality Subunit of the Municipality of Santa Cruz in support of these important European projects!

The host school thanked the collaboration of the Municipality of Santa Cruz for supporting the transport of Erasmus+ participants in days 03, 04 and 05 of february.

Professor Sérgio Ribeiro presented a song of his own, made within the scope of the project to represent the work developed by all partners. This was performed by the students of the 4th year of schooling who sang, played and enchanted!

Some students read some texts about water and the importance of its conservation.

During this week the group participated in several activities, including:
– “Where does the water of the Madeira Archipelago come from?” and “Simulation of water treatment: Coagulation Filtration”, developed by Dr. Raquel Ramos, from GEO Lab, from the Institute of Forests and Nature Conservation, of the Regional Secretariat for Agriculture, Fisheries and Environment.

– In the Walk on Vereda dos Balcões we carry out some water tests, carried out by teacher Vanda Franco.

– In Visit to the ETA (Water Treatment Plant) Dr. Raúl António Simões Duarte, we discovered about the water treatment process by the engineer Duarte Sousa.


In this Erasmus+ exchange, the orography of the island of Madeira was also made known.The participants learned that on the island of Madeira the relief is quite irregular, with a predominance of rocky mountains intersected by deep valleys with steep slopes. With an area of 741 km², the island of Madeira is an oasis in the Atlantic where, among forests, cities, beaches and mountains, a great natural and cultural wealth is preserved.



Song made to represent the Erasmus Project “Do not let water leave us” Project number KA220-SCH-000161516

Author: Teacher Sérgio Ribeiro

Performers: 4th grade students

School: EB1/PE das Figueirinhas 

Music and lyrics below

Do not let water leave us

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